Improving your home's exterior doesn't have to be a daunting and expensive task. Here are a few simple ways to create a beautiful home exterior.

Signs You Need to Move to a Bigger Home

  • Outgrowing your space and not having enough bathrooms are indicators that it is time to move into a bigger home.
  • Consider loan application, location, budget, size and amenities when deciding on a new home.
  • Investing in a new place can provide lasting joy and comfortability, so look out for signs that it’s time to move.
  • Moving into a larger home can reduce stress and make room for hobbies and activities.

If you’ve been in your home for a while, it may be time to consider moving to a bigger one. While there are obvious signs like running out of storage space or having too many people living under one roof, there are other subtle indicators that you need more room. From reorganizing too often to not having enough bathrooms, understanding the signs of needing more space will help you make the best decision for your family.

Outgrowing Your Space

If you feel like your home has become cramped and crowded, it is probably time to upgrade. You may be dealing with a lack of storage and closets and find yourself reorganizing every few months to make room for everyday items. If your furniture takes up most of the floor space, it might be time to look into a bigger place with more rooms so everyone can have their own area.

Not Enough Bathrooms

A two-bathroom home is ideal when several people are living in one house, especially if everyone is trying to get ready at the same time in the morning or evening. A single bathroom can quickly become chaos when multiple people need access. This can add stress and complications on a daily basis, so consider looking into homes with two or three bathrooms, depending on how large your family is.

No Room For Guests

Having overnight guests can be difficult if you don’t have enough room for them to stay comfortably in your current home. If you frequently host visitors but have no extra beds or couches available for them to sleep on, then it might be time to invest in a larger place with more bedrooms and common areas where they can relax during their stay.

Not Enough Room For Hobbies or Activities

If you find yourself running out of space to do the things that make you happy, then it is time to consider living in a larger home. Whether it is having enough room for an art studio, music practice area, or game room, having sufficient space for hobbies and activities can help keep you and your family entertained.

Making the Decision to Upgrade

couple with a real estate agent getting keys

If the signs mentioned above, or any other combination of them, point to needing a larger home, then it’s time to make the decision. At this point, there are a few things you need to consider, such as:

Loan application

Of course, you’ll need to consult a reputable mortgage company to finance your purchase. Look for a company that you can trust to provide excellent customer service, competitive interest rates, and flexible repayment options.


You’ll want to find a home in a good neighborhood with easy access to schools, grocery stores, parks, and other amenities that you need on a regular basis. If your kids are old enough, you may also want to consider their opinion on the location of your new home.


Make sure your budget is in line with what you can afford. Create a spreadsheet that clearly outlines all of the costs associated with your move, so there are no unpleasant surprises down the road.


When selecting a new home, make sure it is large enough to accommodate your needs. Consider the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you need for your family and any additional space for hobbies or entertaining guests.


family of four with boxes moving into a new home

Be mindful of the amenities that come with your new home. Do you prefer an open floor plan or a more traditional layout? Are there enough electrical outlets for all of your electronics? Does the home have features like built-in storage, an outdoor patio, or a garage? Keep in mind that upgrading to a larger home isn’t just about having more space – it’s also about getting the most out of what you’re paying for.

When considering whether or not it is time to move into a bigger home, consider these signs carefully and make sure that whatever decision you make is best for your family’s needs now and in the future. Moving into a larger home can take some of the stress off of having too many people living under one roof while providing everyone with the necessary storage and space. Investing in a new place may seem daunting at first but it will ultimately provide lasting joy and comfortability as long as you know what signs indicate that it’s truly time to move on.

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