fire alarm

How to Prepare Your Home for Fire Prevention Week

As September ends, it’s important to observe important upcoming events. Halloween isn’t the only occasion on October. It’s also Fire Prevention Week. This is as important as any other holiday due to the prevalence of fires. Figures show that a fire department responds to a call every 24 seconds in the US. It all adds up to deaths, injuries, and expensive damages.

The good news is that there are plenty of measures you can make to prevent fires at home. Here’s how:

Clean out Your Dryer

When you’re washing and drying out your clothes, you don’t really think about the state of the machines. The focus tends to be on the clothes and whether they’re already clean and fragrant enough. But it’s very important to keep up the maintenance of the machines as well, especially the dryer. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, 2,900 fires every year are caused by home clothes dryers. On the bright side, these are extremely preventable. Dryer vent cleaning services make sure that lint won’t build up and start a fire. All you have to do is to remember to give them a call at least once every 12 months. You can prevent a dangerous and destructive fire and keep your dryer working well.

Pay Attention to the Kitchen

In today’s world, virtually everyone leads a fast-paced life. Doing some kind of work with one hand and eating a meal with the other. It’s not surprising that people multitask, even when they’re cooking. The downside is that it’s incredibly dangerous. According to the National Fire Protection Association, almost 50% of all home fires are started by cooking equipment. This makes it the undisputed leading cause of household fires in America. Such fires also start due to unattended cooking. The good news is that this means that most fires are preventable. The solution is cheap and easy as well. You just need to keep an eye out on the stove the entire time you’re cooking. Avoid leaving the kitchen and turn the heat off if you’re going to answer the door, phone or do something else.

Besides that, it’s always best to have a working smoke detector in the kitchen. Keep it at least 10 feet away from the stove and other equipment so it won’t trigger an alarm each time you’re cooking. Don’t forget to check the batteries every month to see if it’s still running correctly.

Take Care of Your Heaters

As we near the end of the year, the temperature drops further and further. People start wearing more layers, drinking hot beverages, and sealing drafts. One of the major changes in people’s lives at home during fall and winter is the increased use of heaters. It’s especially true this year. Schools across the country are conducting classes either completely or partially online. Companies are also offering their employees the option to work from home. Naturally, it’s easy to assume that heaters will be used more than ever. The problem is that it can overheat or short-circuit which will lead to a fire. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that more than 25,000 house fires are caused by space heaters. There are easy ways to prevent such incidents from happening. First, make sure that it’s in the right position. It should be on the floor and at least three feet away from flammable objects. Second, no matter how cold it is, don’t leave the heater on while you’re sleeping. Remember to switch it off each time you’re leaving the room or the house. When you’re in the same area, you can take action immediately if things go south.

If you’re open to spending some money, consider buying a heater with smart controls. This way you can immediately turn them off even if you’ve already left. You can also buy plug-in timers so it will automatically kill the electricity after a set period.

Blow out Your Candles

Spa setting with candle, salt and dried flower

Scented candles can make any room feel more relaxing and calming. This is why they’re often used in bedrooms and living rooms across the country. The problem is that they can start fires easily and quickly. Estimates show that candles cause 21 fires every day. But you don’t have to give up your fragrant rooms to avoid fires. There are plenty of alternatives you can try. The traditional options are potpourri and scented room sprays. For a more tech alternative, you can buy flameless candles and oil diffusers.

Fire Prevention Week doesn’t mean that it’s the only time to care about deterring fires. But it is a great time to start taking precautions. Fires lead to deaths, injuries, and irreparable damage, but they are largely preventable.

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