Baby sleeping on mother's shoulder

Your Baby’s First Food: What You Need to Know

Many mothers look forward to weaning their babies because of how exciting it is seeing their children try out a new food for the first time. If you’re not sure what weaning is, it’s the process of slowly introducing food other than breastmilk into a baby’s diet. It usually happens around the six-month mark of your baby’s development and can often come with a few tell-tale changes in your baby’s behavior.

You can usually tell if your baby is ready to wean when they seem to be interested in food when they see someone else eating. If your baby likes to snatch up the food you’re about to put into your mouth, then maybe it’s a sign they are ready for weaning. Another sign, which often happens at the six-month mark, is when your baby can sit up on their own and hold their tiny head up as well.

It’s important to note, though, that weaning is a gradual process. It’s not advisable to suddenly shift to food and stop breastfeeding, as this can affect your baby’s digestive system. Start by giving them little snacks or by substituting one meal with appropriate food. But before you go through all that, it’s best to find out which foods are ideal for the weaning process.


The most important to remember about choosing your baby’s first food is to choose something easy to digest. The best option is a veggie that doesn’t have an off-putting taste and is easy to prepare. You can go for potatoes, which are rich in potassium and vitamin C. Potatoes are also a good option because it goes well with almost anything, so you can mix it with other types of baby food.

Carrots can also be your baby’s first food because of its nutrients and attractive colors. Most babies are fond of carrots because they’re naturally sweet. Before feeding veggies as your baby’s weaning food, be mindful to avoid seasoning. Also, watch out for signs of allergic reactions, even if these are unlikely since vegetables are mostly allergen-free.


Apart from veggies, you won’t go wrong in feeding your baby with fruits. You may even find that your baby enjoys fruits more than vegetables because they’re much sweeter.

Introducing fruit early into your infant’s diet can encourage them to eat more healthy things in the coming years. A famous weaning fruit is a banana because it is easy to find, delicious, and nutritious.

A good way to step up bananas is to add mangos. If these aren’t native to your area, don’t worry. There are a lot of mango puree manufacturers that sell them at supermarkets. Mash up a banana and add a little mango puree to give your baby’s diet a fiber-rich boost. However, a word of caution, always avoid fruits with seeds or do your best to take them out before feeding them to your baby.


Little newborn baby boy 14 days, sleeps

Although it’s not advisable to introduce whole milk into your baby’s diet at six months, you can try other dairy products like cheese or yogurt. Plain, unsweetened yogurt can be a good breakfast food with your baby’s favorite cereal. You can also cut up cheese into little cubes, which are perfect for snack time. Just make sure to use milder cheese like cheddar or cottage cheese. Also, be sure to avoid cheese made of unpasteurized milk like feta cheese or brie.

Weaning your baby doesn’t have to be a scary thing. It’s a big step, but it’s going to be an exciting one for both you and your child. Before feeding your baby anything, just make sure to puree it or cut it into bite-sized pieces depending on your baby’s age.

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