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8 Technologies That Small Businesses Should Consider This Year

As technology constantly changes and improves, the way we shop and do business also changes. People’s behavior and attitude towards shopping and business adapted to the changing times.

From email messages and online correspondences to messaging apps and the VOIP phone systems that small businesses use, technology has changed the landscape for consumerism. As a businessman or entrepreneur, how can you take advantage of these changes to stay competitive?

8 Technologies Businesses Today Should Consider Utilizing

1. Data Security

While technology has been generally a boon to mankind, there are some downsides to it. In light of malware and security breaches, data security is one of the most important pieces of technology every business — including small businesses — should have, regardless if you have hundreds of clients or only 10.

2. Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, tools help companies, especially small and medium-sized businesses, help manage companies’ interactions with existing and potential clients. It utilizes analytics to help build better customer relationships that end in higher customer retention.

3. Human Resources Software

HR software helps manage employee information and other HR-related tasks. It streamlines administrative processes and improves employee productivity and efficiency.

4. Website and Content Management

With all the digitalization happening today, having a strong online presence can do wonders for any business of any size. Websites, blog sites, social media accounts, and online ads help companies establish a virtual presence that keeps them visible to a wider range of potential customers and clients compared to traditional advertising and marketing.

5. Mobile Applications

Smartphones are slowly replacing computer systems and laptops as the weapon of choice for this generation. These could prove useful especially if the products or services you offer are highly relevant to your consumer market.

While this may be a great arrow to have in your quiver, experts also agree that businesses should approach this with discernment and wisdom as most people only use seven to nine apps on average per day.

6. Cloud Storage and Computing

Cloud Storage

Cloud storing gives businesses additional security by storing files and data at an external offsite location. Cloud storage keeps files and data safe and secure and makes them readily available in case something happens to the onsite storage drive.

Cloud computing, on the other hand, runs applications using a virtual desktop through a secure internet connection. Incorporating both cloud computing and cloud storage in your infrastructure and framework gives your business the benefits of both technologies.

7. Alternative and Innovative Payment Methods

Make payments easy for your clients and customers by giving them more options for contactless payments (or mobile payments). It makes paying easy for your clients, reduces queues at cash registers, and increases customer satisfaction.

8. Chatbots

One of the growing trends online now is the utilization of chatbots. There is an increasing number of websites that make use of this A.I. to welcome visitors, help them navigate properly through the website, and sometimes help address their concerns.

Technology will keep advancing and we have to keep rolling with it. While not every available piece of tech that comes out is useful to your business, incorporating a few of them will benefit your business and help improve its overall performance.

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