tiny house

Things to Know Before You Consider Living in a Tiny House

Generally, the average American prefers a large home. But every so often, some folks are bucking this trend and prefer to live in homes that are just a fraction of the average American home’s size.

Here are a few things about tiny houses that might interest you:

What is a tiny house?

Tiny houses are fully-functional dwellings created on a much smaller scale to promote a simpler way of life. They typically measure anywhere between 120 and 400 sq ft.

What are some types of tiny houses?

While there’s really not much to go around, tiny houses have a few varieties that you can choose from.

Tumbleweed Tiny Houses

Tumbleweed Tiny House Company is a small house manufacturer that makes tiny homes that range in size between 117 and 221 sq ft. Buyers have the option of having the house built and sent their way or building the house all by themselves.

Tiny Texas Houses

If you want something slightly larger, Tiny Texas Houses makes compact homes at either 240 or 360 sq ft, depending on your preference. These units are assembled in Texas and shipped to the buyer and installed on the site.

Tiny Luxury Homes

 Although they are small, it doesn’t mean that tiny homes can’t be outfitted in luxurious garb with home automation, tiny hot tubs, and surround sound. Luxurious as they are — and expensive if priced by square foot — they allow people to own luxurious homes for as little as $35,000.


 Micro-apartments, typically smaller than 400 sq ft, are suitable for singles who are starting life out in the city. It makes city living a lot more affordable and feasible.

Shipping Container Homes

Some tiny homes aren’t exactly houses, just like the case of shipping containers converted into living spaces.


What are the benefits of living in a tiny house?

The downsides of living in a tiny house are pretty obvious, such as lack of living and storage spaces, entertainment capabilities, financing, and zoning. However, the upsides make it worth your while.

1. No mortgages

A lot of people looking to buy a house are on the lookout for the best mortgage loan rates. Since most tiny homes are a fraction of the price of a full-sized house, it is generally cheaper, thus won’t require you to take out a long-term loan.

2. Energy efficient

The average tiny home only needs 7% of the average kilowatt consumption needed to light up a normal-sized American home. It can be made even more energy efficient with the right hacks.

3. Lesser expenses

Since it takes less energy to power up a tiny house, you can expect the electric bills to be reduced by as much as 75%.

modern home

4. Greater mobility

A lot of tiny houses are built as trailers and can be pretty much towed anywhere. This way, a lot of tiny house owners get to enjoy life on the road without giving up the comforts of their home.

5. Easy maintenance

Since they are a lot smaller than a regular-sized house, owners spend less time and money on home maintenance and cleaning.

6. More environmentally-friendly

Being the small structures they are, tiny homes use far lesser materials and consume significantly lesser power when built.

7. Simpler lifestyle

Living in a small house will force you to become minimalist and simplistic in living. Living a simpler way of life takes out a lot of the unnecessary stressors that continually hound those who live in average-sized homes such as mortgage and bigger expenses in upkeep.

Does it have any health benefits that make it better than living in a normal-sized home?

Downsizing to a much smaller home can have some emotional impacts on a homeowner, starting with freedom from financial burdens such as mortgages and debts. It also allows you to declutter and get rid of any additional stressors that trigger anxieties and worries.

By avoiding the stresses brought about by a greater financial obligation and cluttered surroundings, you bring down the risks of stress-related health conditions such as:

  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Digestive system issues
  • Chronic pain
  • Immune system issues

Who can live in a tiny house?

Anyone can live in a tiny house. You’d be surprised at the number of people that tiny houses appeal to. While it may seem ideal for single people, a lot of families also make their dwelling in these small structures. It boils down to personal preference.

While the tiny house movement continues to grow, advocates advise that living in tiny houses is not exactly for everyone. The bottom line is people who are willing to turn their backs on the widespread social bubble that “more is better” will thrive living in such cramped spaces and have no qualms about it.

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