a home being renovated

Planning Your Next Big Home Project in the New Normal

After spending the better part of a year indoors, many people have come out of the pandemic looking to either improve their homes or move out entirely. Due to the adverse side effects of the pandemic on the finances of the majority of people and the health risks of a move, home renovation has been on the rise. Homes all over the world have also been adapting to better cater to homeowners in the new normal.

Home offices, outdoor spaces, security additives, and smart technology are just some of the essential changes we’re seeing. However, a big home project such as a first-floor renovation or even a backyard project can take up a significant amount of your time and money. It’s not something that should be done on a whim without proper planning.

If you’re looking to start your next big home project in the new normal, then here are just aspects to consider:

Your budget and financial planning

Anyone who has experience with a home renovation project will tell you that it always costs more than you thought it would and takes longer than you planned. Whether you plan to renovate because you’re planning to sell in the future or improve your current environment, you always want to make sure you’re getting the best value out of your money. According to experts, kitchen and bathroom renovations get you the best resale value, while your home office or bedroom may have a bigger impact on your daily life in the new normal.

Whichever way you’re looking to go, adequate financial planning prior to your project will help you determine how extensive an overhaul you can afford and the ramifications it’ll have on your personal finances.

There are several ways you can finance a major home renovation project, with your personal savings being the most convenient. If you’re able to set up a long-term timeline that allows you to save up before your project, you can avoid high-interest rates and loan payments. While home equity loans and personal lines of credit are also valuable resources, these will also significantly affect the future of your finances.

Engaging professional help

a home professional

Major home renovation projects will often have multiple moving parts over the course of a few months to a year. Managing these different aspects on your best day can become a hassle, and due to the added changes brought by the pandemic, things can quickly get out of hand. This is why engaging professional help during your project is the way to go. This is especially true if you’re adjusting to newly working from home or handling increased childcare needs. Here are some examples of great professional services to utilize during your home project.

  • General contractors

General contractors are ideal for those who have their creative vision pinned down but have trouble managing the project. Working closely with your contractor can help make sure you stick as close to your budget and timeline as possible. These professionals will also often have relationships with different vendors and suppliers, which can help you get discounts on your raw materials. Aside from your raw materials, contractors will also often have good relationships with different construction firms that ensure your laborers are of an adequate skill level, treated fairly, work in a safe environment.

Different certifications like CSCS testing ensure that each worker has the knowledge to complete a project safely.

  • Special designers and architects

If you’re looking to work with the best of the best to execute your creative vision, then there are a wide array of design firms and architects that work hand in hand from the initial design to execution. While costly, these experts can help integrate different design elements, trends, and trade secrets that take your project to the next level. Striking a balance between beautiful design aesthetics and functionality is at the core of any great remodel. Professional designers are guaranteed to provide you with a unique point of view.

Logistics, health, and safety

Any major project in the pandemic that involves manual labor will have to conform to the current health and safety protocols. Adequate testing and personal protection equipment not only guarantees your worker’s safety but for yours as well. Certain construction companies and labor firms will often conduct their employee testing.

Still, onsite testing is ideal as working with other people in such close quarters can quickly lead to an outbreak. Your project logistics, such as transporting materials and different delivery timelines, are also affected, especially if you’re working with imported materials.

While a new normal renovation certainly isn’t a walk in the park, you can take your home to the next level with the proper planning and a little expert help. As we slowly transition into the new way of life, it’s clear that we’ll continue to spend the majority of our time in our homes, and bettering the spaces we work, learn and socialize in can have a major positive impact on our daily lives.

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